Lambretta and Vespa

Saturday, April 23

Vespa/Piaggio Others Production

/ Ape A - 1948
Après le succès de la Vespa, Piaggio met au point un véhicule à trois roues, destiné aux commerçants et artisans qui doivent transporter des charges difficilement logeable sur une Vespa.
C'est dans ce but que l' "Ape" (abeille en italien) est n'ait, en France ce véhicule sera appelé TriVespa.
Ce premier modèle est le A qui apparaît en 1948. L'avant est semblable à celui de la vespa classique, mais l'arrière est disponible sous trois formules:
-avec un plateau de chargement
-avec une caisse type fourgon
-avec une banquette deux places pour les passagers (photo).
Sous la selle du conducteur se trouve le moteur de 125 cm3 qui entraîne une boite de 4 rapports (sans marche arrière, celle ci sera disponible sur les modèles C de 1956).
Un pare-brise était également disponible afin d'améliorer le confort de la conduite.

"Calessino" / TriVespa - 1949

Remorque "Stabil" (nom italien) - 1949
"Pour la promenade, pour le travail", la remorque pour Vespa est :
- économique : 3 litres aux 100 km,
- légère : 60 kg (poids à vide)
- maniable : 1m20 minimum de rayon de braquage
- puissante : 100 kg de charge utile.

Side-car Piaggio - 1955
Ici le side-car est attelé à une Vespa 150 également de 1955.

- 1958

Vespa Models and Years Manufacture 1963 to 1978

Vespa 90 - 1963  
Year(s) of production   1963 / 67   1967 / 88
VIN   V9A1T   V9A1T
Numbeéo   1001 / 28000   28001 / 300026
Production   27000   272026
This vespa 90 is the first model with an engine of that cubic capacity. From this model will see the birth of the Super Sprint and Sprinter.

180 - 1966 Hurricane
Year(s) of production   1964 / 68
Number   001001 / 0036700
Production   35700
This vespa was an existing version of 180 SS models. It's the "Grimstead Hurricane". A different paint scheme from other versions of the 180 SS. The two colors were the "Vespa White" and the "Vauxhall cavern Green". 180 SS model was the last vespa designed with a Piston-ported type motor. Rally models will replaced the 180 SS after that.
It was in 1964 that the 180 SS will be designed.
On the evolution of the motorisation, 180 SS will replaced the older
GS model. The look will be also modified for the first time with this model. Improvements included a trapezoidal headlight. The drawing will be more square after this date and for every models to come. This new look is still controversial for today. 180 SS will also be the first vespa after the GS, fitted with a spare wheel and a glove box as standard features. Unfortunately, it was also the last model to have been fitted with this special kind of fork and motor design.
Last versions of the 180 SS were produced with a rond headlight and a speedometer cluster from "
Rally" models.

Vespa 50 Super Sprint - 1965
Year(s) of production   1965 / 71
Number   1001 / 3525
Production   4525
This model was also produced with a 90cc motor but was never imported in France. SS models were fitted with a smaller bulged legshield and a glove box designed to looks like an auxiliary fuel tank, just over the spare wheel, mounted in the center of the floor. A chromed exhaust silencer will gives to it a sportive look. These models were only produced in 3 colors. Red, blue or white. 

Vespa 90 Super Sprint - 1965
Year(s) of production   1965 / 71
Number   1001 / 6309
Production   5309
The 90 SS was never imported in France. This model like the 50 SS models were fitted with a smaller bulged legshield and a glove box designed to looks like an auxiliary fuel tank, just over the spare wheel, mounted in the center of the floor. A chromed exhaust silencer will gives to it a sportive look. These models were only produced in 3 colors: brillant red, blue or white. 

Vespa 125 Nuova - 1965
Year(s) of production   1965 / 67
Number   01001 / 018100
Production   17100
The 125 Nuova is the big novelty of 1965. The engine conception is new for a 125cc. The frame is quite similar to the 50 and 90cc.
This model was aporary measure as a prelude to the 125 Primavera in 1967.

Vespa 150 Super - 1965 / 125 Super "MotoVespa" (spanish licence)
    Vespa 150 Super   Vespa 125 Super
Year(s) of production   1965 / 79   1965 / 69
Number   1001 / 554808   01001 / 025146
Production   553808   24146
In the "Super" type, there is two versions : the 125 and the 150. Esthetically they are similar.
This Vespa with the 150 Sprint were available with the "Automatic Fuelmix". The 150 Super is equal to the GL (not the french model), but it is fitted with 8" tyres and a different headlight.
Some 125 Super (photo 2) were also produce during the 68, but under the spanish licence "MotoVespa". The cowls are one piece with the frame (like the Primavera), but it has a glove-box in the legshield and a spare wheel fitted around the taillight.

Vespa 150 Sprint - 1965
Year(s) of production   1965 / 67   1967   67 / 70   71 / 74
Number   01001 / 050000   050001 / 051523   050001 / 0150750   1150751 / 1205477
Production   49000   1523   100750   44727
This model is similar to the GL, except that it has a better compression and a four gear-box, and 10" in wheels.

Year(s) of production   1966 / 67   1967 / 70
VIN   V5A1T   V5A1T
Number   500001 / 530932   540001 / 637063
Production   30932   97063
In 1966, the 50's family see a new vespa, the 50 L.

Vespa 125 GT - 1966
Year(s) of production   1966 / 73
Number   30001 / 81582
Production   51582
This vespa is similar to the Sprint with a trapezoïdal headlight.
In fact, this model was destinate to the exportation, it was never sold in Italy, in a way, this was a 125 Sprint, like the italians used to call it.
The GT replace "the old GT".

Year(s) of production   1967 / 83     1976 / 92
Number   020001 / 0240329     1101 / 150143
Production   220329     149043
The Primavera's frame is quite the same as the V5A. In regard to the V5A, the Priamvera has an engine of 121.17cc, a bigger round headlight, a bigger handlebar, a four speed gear-box and 3.00x10 in wheels. So with is 73 kg and is 4 speed, it is capable of 85km/h top speed, and 70km/h cruising speed.

Vespa 125 GTR - 1972
Year(s) of production   1968 / 78
Number   100001 / 151788
Production   51788
This model replace the GT "Sprint". But physically, it remain the same.
The GTR serie will havre the reputation of being very reliable.

Vespa 180 Rally - 1968
Year(s) of production   1968 / 73
Number   001001 / 0027495
Production   26495
This vespa, both on the visual aspect, and the evolution at Piaggio, is the SS 180's substitute. It was designed for longer journeys and had a more powerful engine, for the sporting scooterist who required a higher performance scooter.
And this Rally 180 will be replaced in 1972 by the "Rally 200 electronic". It had a similar chssis to that of the 180.

Vespa 50 R - 1969
Year(s) of production   1969 / 71   71 / 83
VIN   V5A1T   V5A1T
Engine       V5A2M
Number   700001 / 752188   752189 / 938761
Production   52188   186573
The engine fitted in the second serie (from 1971 to 83), is the same as in the 50 Special (from 1972 to 75).

Vespa 50 - 1969
Year(s) of production   1969 / 72   72 / 75   75 / 76
VIN   V5A3T   V5B2T   V5B4T
Engine       V5A3M    
Number   1001 / 5708   1001 / 3667   1101 / 1533
Production   4708   2667   433
This is equipped of an electric-starter, a square headlight, a contact-key on top of the handlebar. The kick-starter is gone, even the horn cover is different of the others 50. It is connected with two 6 volts's batteries. This vespa will be especially for the Italian and English market.

Vespa 50 Special - 1969
Year(s) of production   1969 / 72   72 / 75   75 / 83
VIN   V5A2T   V5B1T   V5B3T
Engine       V5A2M   V5A4M
Number   1001 / 96013   1001 / 95671   1101 / 565056
Production   95013   94671   363956
This 50cc has a four gear speed and 3,00x10 in wheels.

Year(s) of production   1969 / 79
Number   0150001 / 0368119
Production   218119

Vespa 50 Sprinter - 1971
Year(s) of production   1971 / 73
Number   4001 / 4515
Production   515
71 see the cease of 50 N's production, and the arrive of the new 50 Sprinter and 90 Sprinter that substitute the 50 and 90 Super Sprint.

Vespa 90 Race - 1971
Year(s) of production   1971 / 74
Number   7001 / 10516
Production   3516

Vespa 200 Rally - 1972
Year(s) of production   1972 / 79
Number   001001 / 0042275
Production   41275
The Rally 200 is the evolution of the 180. The "Rally 200 electronic" is produced with the same chassis.
La roue de secours est placée dans l'aile gauche, la suspension avant est très plongeante.
C'est aussi la première Vespa à allumage électronique, et sa motorisation de 200 cm3 en fait une vespa très sportive. D'une certaine manière, cette vespa est l'aboutissement des recherches et des évolutions menées depuis 1946. Aucune vespa standard ne peut battre ce modèle.
Le graissage séparé était proposé en option à l'époque. La Rally était disponible en rouge, en gris et en orange.
Les modèles, jusqu'en 1975 inclus, sont équipés d'un coupe-circuit situé sous la selle à côté du porte-paquet ; de clignotants au bout des poignées de commande, sur certains modèles. Ces clignotants sont alimentés par une batterie de 6 volts placée dans l'aile gauche au centre de la roue de secours.
Les premiers modèles ne comportent pas de contacteurs sur le haut du guidon, mais un badge Piaggio à la place ; c'est à partir de 1976 que la Rally est équipée d'une clé de contact sur le haut du guidon.
En 1976, les badges sont aussi changés. Il n'y a plus le badge "Vespa" avec l'écriture à l'ancienne à l'avant, mais celui que l'on retrouve sur les PX.

Vespa 50 SR - 1975
Année(s) de production   1975 / 79
Préfixe   V5SS2T
Numéro   1001 / 10579
Production   579

  Ce modèle était destiné au marché allemand.
Il est l'équivalent de la Vespa 50 Sprinter.
On peut noter le feu arrière de type "Rally" que l'on retrouve également sur les Primavera ET3 destinés au marché allemand, les clignotants en bout de guidon, et le pot d'échappement caractéristique au moteur des 50 SS dans sa version non-chromé.
  Le guidon est celui du Primavera et la descente de klaxon en plastique celle du 50 Special.
Elle est chaussée de pneu en 10 pouces.

Year(s) of production   1975 / 78
Number   1101 / 29804
Production   28704
Que dire de cette vespa, si ce n'est qu'elle est un modèle très peu connue.
Et qu'elle est la dernière vespa au forme encore arrondi avant les PX de la "nuova linea".

Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 - 1976
Année(s) de production   1976 / 92
Préfixe   VMB1T
Numéro   1101 / 150143
Production   149043
La nouvelle Primavera, appelé ET3, reprend les même caractéristiques que la précédente sauf que désormais le piston est à trois transferts, et que l'allumage est électronique. Elle garde la même vitesse de pointe que la Primavera, mais elle a plus de couple, et atteint donc plus rapidement sa vitesse de croisière. Le pot d'échapppement est le même que celui de la 90SS. Elle se différencit par ses bandes adhésive sur les ailes (avec l'inscription "ELECTRONIC" sur l'aile gauche) et le garde-boue.

Vespa 100 - 1978
Année(s) de production   1978 / 83
Préfixe   V9B1T
Numéro   1101 / 28904
Production   27804
Avec une cylindrée de 96,12 cm3 (alésage 49 mm / course 51 mm), un mélange à 2% et sa boite à 3 vitesses, cette vespa peut atteindre les 70km/h.

Vespa Models and Years Manufacture 1946 to 1960

Vespa 98 - 1946    
Year(s) of production   1946 / 47
VIN   V98
Number   01 / 18079
Production   18079
This is the first Vespa that gives us the myth. This succes is due to it's low price, and it's small consommation of fuel: 3 litres/100 km, for a top speed of 75 km/h and cruising of 50 km/h. On this first model, it was equiped with an external drive shaft between the rear wheel and the motor.
Front fork use a drag type wheel with the axle and shock absorber slightly aft of the fork. It's the same thing used on landing gears of many aircraft.

Vespa 98 - 1947    
Year(s) of production   1946 / 47
VIN   V98
Number   01 / 18079
Production   18079
This model is similar to the 1946, except the apparition of a rear rack (in option) ; the kick-starter, rear brake and saddle has been slightly transfered. During these first two years, more than 50.000 peoples were interested in buying this new way of transport.
The 98cc will be produced till march 1948 to satisfy the order in process, even if 1948 was the 125 cc's year.

Vespa 125 - 1948    
Year(s) of production   1948 / 50
VIN   V1T - V15T
Number   01 / 104096
Production   104096
This 125 is based on the 98cc from the past years. They offer more power than other models. The rear shock absorber made is apparition this year, and the front one was modified. The front wheel was placed on the left side of the column, for a better stability when riding.
Also the 125 models were equipped with the rear-rack and the fuel-tap with a reserve position.
For the rear suspension, Piaggio put for the first time the complete motor and transmission assembly directly on the wheel and supported it by a single shock absorber.

The front fender is now build in one piece.

Vespa 125 Hoffmann - 1950
This vespa was produced in Germany, under the Hoffmann licence. It was in 1949 that Hoffmann and Piaggio agreed in a licence for the production and trading in Germany.
It was just slightly different from others foreign models. The differences is often due to road legislation. In France, the headlight have to be at least 50 centimeters from the ground.
In 1950, the production is rising very fast. Most of the production was launched under french and english license .

Vespa 125 - 1951    
Year(s) of production   1950 / 52
VIN   V30T - V33T
Number   104097 / 251820
Production   144724
During 1951, many improvements were made on Vespas. Old type of push-rod linkage (Bowden) was replaced by a new type of soft control cables for the shifter. Rear suspension was now fitted with an hydraulic shock absorber. The old style front coil spring type shock absorber was now supported by a new hydraulic absorber.
The footboard is now longer for passenger and more confort. And for the center stand, it will be available for 1949

Vespa 125 "home-crafted" - 1952
This vespa was never produced, it's only what we call today a "custom". It's based on a vespa 125 from 1952.
It's in 1952 that piaggio will made for the first time a frame in 2 parts welded together. (before that, all models were made from a complete frame). It's also this year they stop using aluminium for the front fender, side panels and the carburator door. The oval exhaust silencer was replaced by a box type silencer non-visible from the outside.
In France, it was a good year. The vespa were now produced and not simply assembled in the french factory A.C.M.A.

Vespa 125 "Sport" - 1952
It was just a 125, but fitted with an auxiliary fuel tank and a spare-wheel mounted inside the legshield... Around 200 models of this scooter were produced by Piaggio. 4 cm on each side of the legshield were cut to reduce the wind drag. A 22 mm Type Dellorto carburator instead of a 17mm on regular 125 models.
According to an owner (of this model) it's a very rare model and today, there's only 2 exemples who survived in the world.

Vespa 125 "U"
model of 1953 

150 - 1955
First 10 models of the "Gran Sport" were produced at the end of 1954, all of these were destinated to exportation. It's only in 1955 that it will be offered in Italy. It will be also knows as "Vespone" (big wasp). It was the first sportive vespa and it will rapidly be the best seller of the brand. The 150cc motor will be introduced during 1954 with a 4 speed manual transmission, a dual seat (able to carry 2 persons). It will also use for the first time 10 inches diameter wheels. With all of theses improvements, The GS model will be able to reach a top speed of 100 km/h. A bulbed legshield on GS will also help to reduce the wind drag.
Note that this model will never be made in France by A.C.M.A because of a presumed failures prone of the GS model. They made a GL "Grand Luxe" to replace the GS, but finally, GS model will be imported in France soon after.
In 1961, the last 150 GS (VS5) model was fitted with the same tail-light of the
160 GS model.
Last 150 GS models produced were fitted with control cables hidden in the handlebar (lower picture) instead of outside cables on late models (upper picture).

150 A.C.M.A. - 1956
This model is an equivalent of the GS model, but made in France. It was built by ACMA's factory plants in Fourchambault. All the luxe of this vespa was offered by better lighting system, an odemeter included in handlebars and night illuminated. Also 3 tires with white inserts, a confortable passenger saddle, a tool box with secure lock, a chromed legshield trim, a column lock and finally, a rear view mirror.
With its 9 inchs diameter rims and white tires, The ACMA model was very different from other scooters. GL model was built only between 1956 and 58. Only 14,083 units were built during these years. The GL was only offered in light metallic grey color.

This GL "Grand Luxe" may be confused with 150 GL 1965 who it was avalable in Great-Britain. But all britain models were fitted with a square head light and side panels like ones on 125 N or Sportique.

Vespa 125 - 1958
On this vespa, the fuel-oil mix is 5%.

Vespa 125 - 1957
On this model, we can see the headlight mounted directly on the front fender. Its position was variable to respect any foreign road laws...For exemple, in France, this headlight was mounted on handlebars. So for Italian models (imported to France), they were fitted with a chromed decoration to hide the hole created by the deplacement of the light on the fender.
However, this Vespa 125 was nothing more than a new version of old models. So nothing special for this model.

Vespa 150 - 1957
This is the basical 150cc model. The exact cubic capacity is 145,45cm3 with a bore of 57x57.
Unlike the GS 150 which is fitted with 3.50x10 tyres, this 150 is fitted with 8". The fastener of the wheels are also different of those on the GS.
Another important difference is the gear boxe, only 3 gears on the basical 150, and 4 on the GS.
Chrome aaccessories (wing embellishers, front bumper) and the rear seat were in option.

Vespa 125 - 1958
No special evolution for this model.

Vespa 150 A.C.M.A. T.A.P. (Troupes Aéro Portées) - 1959
This model was not commun but it was really built like this by ACMA factories in France.
It was fitted with a short manual transmission, a bigger piston but always in 150 cc (like civilian version) and a hole on the legshield to support a gun. It was possible to use this gun when the scooter was running. (but not without some shock!).
Theses military vespas were used by French army during Algerian and Indochine conflicts. They were dropped by parachute, that's why they were fitted with tubular bumpers for a protection when they touched the ground.
From the opinion of a few solders, the drivers were more often beside it to push it than to drive it... We think that only 800 of those were made. they are very appreciated by collectors.
There's 2 versions of this model, TAP 56 and 59, depending of the year of production.

- 125 N - 1960
This model is also knows like "Sportique" in Britain.
The Vespa N was really new of we compare it to what was done before: Frame and engine are totally different.
It was the first vespa with an alloy handlebars and hidden control cables inside it.
The carb door placed under the saddle was remove and the carb is now directly connected to the cylinder.
Almost everything is new with this conception, from the kick starter to the gear selector, it's different...

All these improvements will change for ever the look of vespas. fastener for the saddle, shock absorber mounting on the motor and new style handlebar. Allo these changes will be use on next models through the PX
"N" model or "Sportique" was fitted with a 150cc motor with a 4 speed manual trans. With an oil/fuel mixture of 2%, that will help to prevent carbon deposit on the cylinder head and piston top.
During 1962, in Britain, a model named "Sportique Supreme" will be sold. It was fitted with chromed front fender and side panels, a long seat, a legshield trim, a culumn lock and a decorative chromed horn.